• It makes me happy! Hopefully seeing my lights makes others happy too.

  • Sure you can. Lights are powered on between the 4:15PM and 10PM and will remain up until at least January 14th, 2023. Note: In the event of rain or severe weather they may be powered off.

    Lights can be viewed at 412 Bolton Rd, Glenside PA 19038. When visiting please remain in your car and respectful of the neighbors (They already have to deal with living next to a crazy person.)

  • Simple, I count… As each strand is installed, the number of lights on that strand is added to a map of where all the lights are located and how many are on each tree/bush/decoration.

  • More than 95% of my lights are LEDs and therefore use low amounts of power on their own. Even with the quantity of lights at issue I typically spend more on electricity running my A/C in the summer.

  • Yes… I did look for a pre-made igloos online, but didn’t find anything that wasn’t prohibitively expensive.